Beginner, intermediate, advanced, expert. If you’ve heard the terms, but you’re not quite sure where you fit, then don’t sweat it. Here at Winter Park, we know a thing or two about ability levels and helping folks find terrain that suits them best. Defining your skillset is not only a great way to discover your new favorite runs, but it can help you set goals and get more out of your time on the mountain. So, read on to identify your ski or ride level.

- First-Timer: I’ve never skied before, and I’m looking forward to learning about gear, stance, and taking my first run.
- Learn-to-Stop: I’ve been a few times, and I love it, but I have trouble controlling my speed on easy green runs.
- Learn-to-Turn: I use wedges to control my speed, and I want to get better at steering on easy green runs.
- Green: I can control my speed with the wedge technique on easy green runs. Now, I want to learn how to do parallel turns on all green runs.
- Blue: I’ve got parallel turns on greens in the bag. Time to take these skills to groomed blue runs.
- Blue-Black/Black: I feel comfortable on all groomed greens and blues, and I rock parallel turns. My next step is to dive into ungroomed terrain like moguls or tree skiing.
- Black/Double Black: I can ski any area of the mountain confidently. Now, I want to refine my technique and explore more expert terrain.

- First-Timer: This is my first time on a snowboard. Woohoo!
- Learn-to-Stop: I’ve tried snowboarding before, but I still can’t get the hang of stopping on both edges.
- Learn-to-Turn: I can stop on my heel edge and toe edge. I’m working on linking them together into turns.
- Green: I can link my heel and toe turns pretty easily. Now, I want to use turns to control my speed on green runs.
- Blue: I’ve got my turns locked down and can control my speed on green runs. Next up: groomed blue runs and/or small terrain parks.
- Blue-Black/Black: I can link turns on all groomed blue runs and I’ve dabbled in terrain parks. Time to take on steep groomers, bumps, trees, or some harder terrain park features.
- Black/Double Black: I’ve got excellent control of my board and can ride anywhere on the mountain. I’m looking to fine-tune my form and make small adjustments.

Looking to Level Up?
Join our expert Ski + Ride School instructors for a lesson! From half days to full, beginner group lessons to Specialty Clinics, we’ve got courses to match your goals for the season. Browse our lessons and find one that’s right for you.